crafty things…

So, somehow in the midst of my busiest two summer months (despite not having to work), I found some time to start something old and new…

I re-taught myself how to knit. Re-taught, because my mom taught me how back in high school, but then I discovered how to crochet (much easier in my opinion) and kind of gave up knitting…

… but I’m back at it now and made this very soft handwarmer – it’s twin is still in the making (and they are turning out just a tad big… probably because I strayed from her instructions just a tad and used 5.00mm needles instead of 4.00mm… I’m hoping if I wash them and put them in the dryer for a bit they’ll shrink up a little).

Yes, I know, I know, it is the very hot month of July. Why am I making something that will keep my hands warm!? I’ll tell you why. #1 – I found this really cool pattern that I LOVE and would highly encourage any knitters out there to try :) #2 – In the winter, when I am working on the computer all day, my fingers get very very cold… but Baby is coming in November, so I doubt I’ll have much time to make something like this in the more sensible knitting season that would be autumn.

This second craft is one that I am even more excited about, but had to wait for a book to come in at the library in order to start on it…

Stray Sock Sewing, Too by Daniel

No, apparently Daniel, the author, does not have a last name… There also exists another – his first book – called Stray Sock Sewing :) Personally I like the patterns in Stray Sock Sewing, Too better.

Zen Tiger

Isn’t he cute? Going to try to use these…

Chris' old orange soccer socks